Many fire services only get in touch with us when their thoughts on training for underground transport systems (UTS) operations are already well advanced. However, we recommend you take advantage of our free training consultation service as early as possible. Due to the knowledge of our experts, they can support fire services in a variety of ways. For example, in the development of intervention concepts, in measuring the actual training requirements or in considering the procurement of funds for training.
Consultancy right from the planning phase
As early as the planning phase of an underground transport system, our training consultants can help officers prepare for the future tasks of a «tunnel fire service». They provide them with UTS-specific knowledge and skills to enable fire service officers to actively influence the planning of structures and their subsequent operation in favour of safety. We, therefore, recommend contacting our training consultants as soon as it becomes apparent that a fire service will be responsible for a UTS - even if the first training courses may not take place for years.

Diverse tasks - diverse training
UTS are diverse. Tunnels can be short or long. They can be road or railway tunnels, supply tunnels under hospitals, airports or large industrial plants. In addition, the tasks of the fire services can vary greatly, for example, from fire fighting and vehicle extrication to service tasks such as towing breakdown vehicles or recovering lost cargo. We, therefore, initially support the fire services in clarifying legal and organisational issues and developing an intervention concept. Only then can a possible training requirement be determined and a specific training programme offered.

Support with implementation at the fire service
Our training consultants also support the fire services in implementing the training. We can draw on the experience and solutions of many fire services with very different requirements. We are happy to help with any questions you may have, such as how the training courses can be adapted to local requirements or optimally coordinated with regular service operations.

Start your knowledge transfer with an initial contact
Our training consultants are established instructors from the International Fire Academy and active members of fire services. They are familiar with the needs of fire services in dealing with incidents in tunnels and speak German, English, French and/or Italian. Making contact is easy. Just send us an e-mail (see the contact box at the bottom right).